Financial Adulting
Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult
Perfect for anyone seeking to get a firm handle on their personal finances, Financial Adulting is a must-have resource that demystifies and simplifies complex topics and makes understanding personal finance fun.
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Farnoosh Torabi
Host of the So Money podcast and Author of When She Makes More
Financial Adulting is the step-by-step guide we all wish we had when we graduated college. Although most of us start “financial adulting” much later, wherever you are in your journey, Ashley provides the perfect toolkit for uncovering a lifelong financial planning strategy while also investing in a more equitable world.
Tiffany Aliche
New York Times Bestselling Author of Get Good with Money
Ashley breaks down everything people in their 20's and 30's need to know about personal finance into a step-by-step plan with beautiful workbook pages that will get anyone excited to improve their financial wellness. It's a must read! A must read! Ashley covers the important and often complex financial topics in a way that even a reader with no financial background can understand.

Erin Lowry
Author of the BROKE MILLENNIAL series
In Financial Adulting, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley provides an engaging and inclusive path towards becoming a money savvy grownup. She also brings in rarely talked about lessons from history and ways we can better align our spending with our values.

Elyse Steinhaus
Head of Financial Content at theSkimm
Most of us didn’t learn about money in school. “Financial Adulting” is a crash course on what women really need to know to be the boss of their financial lives. This book perfectly pairs the “why” behind important money moves and the “how” with helpful exercises, so you can get. it. done.

Stacey Tisdale
CEO of Mind Money Media Inc and Author of The True Cost of Happiness
Financial Adulting is a must read for anyone who wants to build their financial foundation while also making the world a better place. Ashley demystifies even the most complex topics and provides critical context on some of the big problems with our financial systems. She gives readers an action plan for each area of their finances and a recipe to maintain their financial prowess going forward.

Tanja Hester
Author of Wallet Activism and Work Optional
Financial Adulting is the most comprehensive real world guide out there to master your financial life. No more pretending everyone starts from the same place or has equal opportunity — Ashley breaks down all the ways our financial system advantages some and disadvantages others, and she does it with empathy and humor.


Ashley Feinstein Gerstley is the author of Financial Adulting, a guide that breaks down everything you need to know and do to be a financially confident and conscious adult. She is also a money coach, author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse, and the founder of the Fiscal Femme, a feminist money platform on a mission to end inequality through financial well-being.
As a trusted money expert, she has appeared on or been quoted in The Financial Times, CNBC, Forbes, NBC, Glamour and the The New York Times
Ashley has worked in the financial services industry for over fifteen years: first as an investment banker, then in corporate finance, and most recently running The Fiscal Femme. She graduated with a bachelor's in finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
From the founder of The Fiscal Femme, a popular feminist money platform, and author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley’s Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult delivers an easy-to-follow, informative, and fun financial guide. From budgeting and consumer activism to retirement investing and paying down debt, you’ll learn everything you need to know and do to be a financially savvy adult.
In this important book, you’ll:
Master fundamental concepts, including dealing with student loans, maximizing your 401(k), and preparing for salary negotiations
Use a racial and feminist justice lens to tackle rarely discussed topics in money and equity and understand deep-seated historic and systemic obstacles
Recognize that your circumstances, goals and values are unique and require a custom approach in order to succeed financially
Receive a simple step-by-step guide to reaching your financial goals while living a big, exciting, and meaningful life